

Operating Manuals


You can distinguish the products by showing the transponder to the devices. If the device reacts it is a type of the same frequency.


For systems managed by ENiQ App, you can use the app. Open the device name and click on the round icon (Status icon). If your smartphone is connected to the internet and if the icon is green, it means your device has the latest firmware version. Should the icon is red, please tap on the icon and the devices will be updated to the latest firmware when you are in range with the devices. For all other systems, download the DOM Service app to update your devices. This app shows you all devices in BLE range and shows the status of each device's firmware. You can update them by tapping on the device list and show the master/programming card to the reading field of the device. If your device does not show on the list, use NFC and hold your smartphone NFC antenna in front of the device's reading field. The device will show automatically.

Please check out the Guard manual on page 230, you will find in the same website area, just under the menu point "Documentation"

Normally, a device recognizes a battery change automatically. If this is not the case, use a "Change of Battery" indication card. This card will reset the corresponding battery parameter in the cylinder and documented in the events. In principle, a battery change card must be authorised on a device, just like a normal transponder authorisation.

You can update the app directly from your smartphone.


You can programme your device via network and the connected ENiQ AccessManagement software, a USB-868-funk stick and Device Management software, or with an Android smartphone with ENiQ App installed.

See our "Manual of Signalisation" guide.

There is no exact number of minimum distance. However, it depends on smartphone performance and building environment around the door.



If you have not found the answer you were looking for or are in need of another service, please find an authorized DOM reseller or contact us.


Contact Information


Via Regaldi 13
IT-10154 Torino

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