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How to secure my new home?

This is what perfect door protection looks like


A secure locking system is literally "key" to optimal door protection. There are several ways to comprehensively safeguard front doors to houses and apartments, and put an end to burglars in the truest sense of the word.

DOM ix TwinStar opening a door to a home


The characteristics of a secure locking system:


Whether its mechanical or electronic, our locking systems fulfil the highest requirements for security and quality. We offer you a suitable locking system for any security need. With our certified resellers, you can rest assured you are in the safest hands and will guide you through the entire process. The only choice you have to make is who will install it. Will you do it yourself or would you ask our professional partner to do it for you?


  • Intruder drilling
    Drilling protection: aggravating measures against any attempts to drill open though use of tungsten carbide cylinder elements.
  • ix twinstar see through
    Manipulation and shock protection: combatting intelligent opening methods with special pin tumblers.
  • ix twinstar moving discs
    Copy protection: using components in the key which complicate the production of key copies.

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