The Securidev Group is changing its name

10 June 2015

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The French industrial group, which, in 2014, achieved a turnover of €150 million, brings together about 1,500 people and 20 companies all over Europe. Specialising in security products and services dedicated to mechanical and electronic access solutions, the group is turning a new corner by opting for a profound reorganisation and a new name: DOM Security. A desire for strong growth underpins this major change.

The industrial group, which is one of the largest in the sector, has decided to focus its strengths on adopting a unique brand for most of its subsidiaries and an organisation based on markets and geographic areas. Organised up until now in two branches, general public and professional, it has chosen to adopt a structure more closely related to the specific features of its customers, professional distributors (hardware stores, locksmiths, door and section manufacturers), locking solution integrator manufacturers and engineering companies for security on large-scale projects, whether airports, hotels, rail, etc. All of the products and services will be marketed within five geographic areas coordinated by five area managers.

The group boasts a complete offering which ranges from simple locking systems to the most sophisticated access controls. One of Sécuridev latest acquisitions, the company Omnitech Security, designs and sells intelligent locking systems. Its security system integration software, or hyper vision, is able to manage all types of technical devices which enable the identification of individuals and the securing of places, property and people.

The group, which has been built up over the years through the acquisition of many companies with a strong national identity, has identified a need to gather together its strengths within a more legible offering regardless of the variety and geographic scope of its customers. Abandoning its many specific groups, the group is opting for one sole brand, DOM Security – except in certain specific cases.

Thus, Securidev is taking the name of one of its subsidiaries, the largest one in the group and the one which has the strongest base in Europe. DOM, originally a German company founded in Cologne in 1936 (which explains its name, a reference to the city’s famous cathedral), was bought by Securidev in 2005.
In view of the more difficult economic climate characterised by a stagnation in the construction sector and pressure on prices owing to the arrival of newcomers, mainly from Asia, the company, which will be known as DOM Security as of 10 June 2015, is counting on the strength of its brand, its European quality manufacturing and its innovative high security products to conquer new markets. For that matter, it has just bought the Spanish locksmith company, MCM. This acquisition allows the group to reinforce its presence in the Iberian Peninsula, a process initiated in 2011 with the purchase of UCEM in Mondragon, in order to become the second player on the local locking system market.