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Slot machine locking solutions

Locks designed for slot machines

DOM-RONIS offers vending machine locking solutions, designed for slot machines in different types of environments. 

Our solutions:

Casino slot machines

Slot machines found in casinos are a very specific application with its own set of security requirements, related to the gambling industry. DOM-RONIS has a solid experience in securing casino slot machines. Discover our range of dedicated locking solutions, including a comfort key system.

For an additional level of access control, DOM offers autonomous digital cylinders with NFC (Near Field Communication) and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) technology.

Discover our range of digital cylinders


Locks for casino slot machines

Arcade machines

Arcade machines available in gaming areas or play areas require special security, as players are in constant contact with the machine during a game. To address this need, DOM-RONIS provides cam locks that are ideal to equip arcade machines and protect them from any wrongful manipulation.

Locks for arcade machines

Sport betting machines

Sports betting kiosks and terminals are becoming more and more popular. Players can directly use the machine to place their sports bets. This equipment usually comes with valuable screen displays, and therefore needs a reliable security system. DOM-RONIS has developed high quality locking solutions that are perfectly suited to protect  sport betting kiosks and machines.

Locking solutions for sport betting equipment

A specific need ?

Are you looking for a tailor-made solution to integrate on your vending machine ?

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