DOM-RONIS offers vending machine locking solutions, designed for all the different types of Automated Teller Machines (ATM).
Wall fitting ATMs (Automated Teller Machines) can usually be found within or just outside banking establishments. They are the typical application addressed by DOM-RONIS, with solutions that allow you to lock the ATM from the inside. These locking solutions are specifically dedicated to the bank sector, and ensure the security of the wall fitting ATM, its users, as well as bank employees.
A free standing ATM is a stand-alone display solution, ideally used in public areas. It differs from a traditional wall fitting ATM in that it is independent and not tied to a bank nearby and its security protocol. Therefore, this type of ATM is particularly sensitive to secure. To meet this challenge, we offer a range of reliable locking products for the security of this type of ATM.
A cash box or cash register is used in ATM's and in the retail sector by cashiers, in order to keep cash money safe. Cash boxes or cash registers are obviously a critical application as they can easily be targeted by thieves. In order to protect both the funds and personnel who handle them, DOM-RONIS provides robust locking products designed to be integrated on your cash box.
Are you looking for a tailor-made solution to integrate on your vending machine ?
Contact us !