Available with integrated NdFeB N30 magnet to automatically wake up cylinder ELS999R.
Airports, Education, Financial, Homes, Hospitals, Hotels, Industrial, Medium to Large Sized Businesses, Offices, Plants, Public Buildings, Small to Medium Sized Businesses
Fire Resistant | None |
Water Resistant | Yes |
Anti Drill Protection | N/A |
Modular | No |
Communication Technology | RFID 125 kHz, Mifare RFID 13.56 MHz |
User Identification Technology | RFID 125 kHz, Mifare RFID 13.56 MHz |
Ingress Protection Rating | IP54 |
Surface Finish | Anthracite Grey |
Data Encryption | AES, AES-128 Bit, Crypto-1, ISO 14443A, OSS, DES, 3DES |
Operating Temperature (Celsius) | -25° to 55° |