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Where to make copies of DOM-MCM keys?

Making a key copy for your DOM-MCM cylinders is a process that guarantees the security and protection of your property. However, it is important to know the different cases that may arise depending on the type of cylinder you have.

1. Key copies for DOM cylinders:

For the cylinders of DOM Diamant, ixTwinStar, ix DAS, ixTeco, ix 6SR, ix Twido and ix Twintec systems, it is necessary to use the DOM Technical Centers.
Only these centers, along with DOM-MCM, can make copies of keys, which ensures protection against unauthorized copying.
Identifying the cylinder model is simple: you can consult the ownership card or simply check the key itself, where the cylinder model is usually indicated. Remember to bring the property card to the authorized DOM-MCM dealer, as without it you cannot make copies or obtain duplicates.

2. Key copies for MCM cylinders:

For non-patented MCM cylinders such as SCX+ and BPS, the process is more flexible. Key duplicates can be made at all locksmiths and key duplicating establishments, although DOM-MCM suggests going to one of its authorized centres to ensure the quality of service.
As with the DOM cylinders, it is important to have the ownership card when going to the authorized DOM-MCM dealer to make the key copy.

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