The larger the operation, the greater the number of locking media – this simple formula nicely sums up the situation in most companies, institutions and facilities. How convenient it would be to be able to organise and manage all locking media and users at a single point - You can do so: with the ENiQ® App for smartphones and our special software for endpoints.
We offer solutions for the management of locking media: e.g. ENiQ® AccessManagement Software. It helps you to use the features of electronic locking systems by DOM to the max. From programming, through commissioning, to management of all connected components. This means that you can quickly and easily add or modify users in an existing organisational structure – for example when departments relocate, or users are assigned new tasks. Operation is really easy and convenient and possible using typical endpoints such as PCs, laptops or notebooks. Of course, our DOM software is compatible with all standard browsers, and can also be connected to external systems through interfaces.
Another very comfortable option is the ENiQ® App: with this app you can manage your digital DOM locking cylinders, fittings, wall readers and persons on your admin smartphone. In a matter of moments you can allocate access authorizations with individual time restrictions to persons and assign a transponder to them via the NFC interface. The great advantage if you use ENiQ® Easyflex: You can easily switch from card programming to the ENiQ® App and later use the large access control software ENiQ® AccessManagement Software. Your data is easily transferred from the app. This means you are future-proof with every growth of your property.