DOM HOBERG's New "Baby": the Silca Key-cutting Machine

13 December 2021

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Last September, DOM HOBERG received a new key cutting machine from Silca. This machine is mainly used to make ix Twido keys. However, in reality, this machine offers so much more.

(From left to right: Hendryk Daugs, Leon Schaar, and Christiaan Mortier with the new Silca key-cutting machine)

Advantages of Silca cutting machine

Not only cutting ix Twido keys, the Silca cutting machine can be used to make I6, K1, Plura, ix Teco, and RS Sigma. Since its' delivery in September, the machine has created almost 9.000 keys for different key variant.

Moreover, the machine helps the company efficiency by its' "all-in-one" approach. From engraving, drilling to cutting, everything can be done from one machine. Importing can be done by pressing "Start" and let the machine does the rest. In the meantime, colleagues can work on other things. The Silca key cutting machine can also be operated automatically outside of working hours, therefore, this machine really improves the productivity of the company.

Another advantage of the machine is that the machine supports exporting a complete key plan. Employees don't have to enter the key plan manually anymore. This reduces plenty of human error.